
19.90 zł 44.90 zł
59.90 zł
29.90 zł
59.90 zł
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49.90 zł
24.90 zł 49.90 zł

Zbigniew Pełczyński. A Life Remembered is a biography of an eminent Polish philosopher, long-standing lecturer at the Oxford University, Professor Zbigniew Pełczyński.

Zbigniew Pełczyński. A Life Remembered is a biography of an eminent Polish philosopher, long-standing lecturer at the Oxford University, Professor Zbigniew Pełczyński.

Enjoying Life. Halina Konopacka is the only such comprehensive and interesting Polish biography of Halina Konopacka — a heroine of the collective imagination, a brave woman who cherished life and emanated enthusiasm.

Three Halves of Life is a book with elements of a diary, full of memories and reflections on the life of the author, Polish TV journalist, publicist, Maciej Wierzyński.

59.90 zł

Stitch Behind the Needle is a fascinating story in which the author unravels the enigmatic and mysterious history of her grandfather, wireless operator in No. 300 Squadron. The war turmoil tossed him to the concentration camp in Miranda de Ebro, Spain.

49.90 zł

After “Paderewski” and “Mościcki”, “Piłsudski” is another volume devoted to eminent politicians of the Second Polish Republic. Józef Piłsudski is undoubtedly one of the most distinguished people in Polish history and culture.

39.90 zł

On 16 January 2019, we celebrated the centennial of the appointment of the eminent Polish pianist and composer, Ignacy Jan Paderewski, as the prime minister of the independent Republic of Poland.

This extended interview with Professor Mieczysław Tomaszewski –  Poland’s most renowned musicologist and music editor – offers a more intimate look at the man who is considered the ultimate authority on Chopin.


49.90 zł

Barely three weeks after the tragic events of the May Coup, on 1 June 1926, the National Assembly appointed Ignacy Mościcki as President of the Republic of Poland.

Adam Daniel Rotfeld. In Search of a Strategy is a book by an expert on international affairs, former minister of foreign affairs, Adam Daniel Rotfeld. It is a collection of texts published in magazines and various compilations between 2010–2017. It is accompanied by photographs of the author’s life.